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10 Things I am afraid to tell You...

10. Pride is my deadliest sin but I self destruct by putting others first.. In many days of my life I will buy you something you don't need & go hungry for a week- Just to make you happy or meet your need- and I am too prideful to ask for a meal.

You will never know if I need anything- chances are if I do ask for anything like a favor I will retract it within minutes.

9. I have been wearing extensions for almost 5 years- Yep, white girl with a weave. It is pretty costly- the one thing I will not cut out of my budget & I love them. Its weird dating wearing them or swimming, etc. Most people don't notice or think its Extra... but, I had a tragic incident happen a few years ago my hair fell out in gobs- and between that and number 5 its never been the same. Color Bar- Brantley in Mt Laurel is my guy in case you are wondering.

8. I used to drink wine almost every night as a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety. Now I exercise most days and drink far less.

7. No matter what- I will always take the hard way when it comes to my own personal life decisions. I have medium to high commitment issues- ie. signing contracts.

6.. My credit Score before Financial peace was a 524- & with even the amounts of debt & identity theft I would not file Chapter 7 or 13 because I was determined to Pay and not take the easy way out- It took me 4 years to reach 700's

5. I have battled with Eating Disorders & Suicidal Depression since High School.

4. I’m embarrassed sometimes about being strategic: I started to notice that when women were referred to as strategic, it often insinuated that they were conniving or calculated. I am at a place where everything I do has a strategy behind it. I get embarrassed because I’m so strategic and often feel like people might think the heart piece is missing.

3. I have not bought a pair of brand new jeans or pants in over 2 1/2 years and most of my clothing comes from poshmark or thrift stores.

2. My dog has better health insurance than I do.

1 I have extremely horrible night terrors & never watch scary movies because it makes them worse. Often my dreams are 1-3 a night and I remember every detail. I also don't really like Halloween & I will not go to Haunted Houses.



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This blog is the girl who is working a full time job & chasing her dream on the side. The daughter who is now parenting her aging parents. The girl who ended her engagement & went through a season of singleness. The girl who heavy pours her wine & prays at the same time. The girl finding financial freedom.  The girl who watches YouTube trying to create the perfect eyebrows. The girl who loves adventure & wants a life full of memories of travel. The girl in grief of a miscarriage. The girl who got up today & gave life her best shot & came home exhausted.This blog is here for you.

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